Welcome to our newest superhero, @fehegner!
As a first-time superhero, Fred has earned a free year of Tiller, a Tiller t-shirt or hat, and entry into our Beta group. Congratulations!
Shoutout to our other March Super Heroes:
- @jpfieber - 14 months!!!
- @susandennis - 7 months
@yossiea, @richl and @bentyre1 - 3 months
Our three superheroes hitting their 3-month anniversary have all earned another $50 gift certificate per the Super Hero Rewards program. Thanks for all your contributions, Joseph, Rich and Ben!
Congratulations to the community’s newest “Champion” members, @dixonge and @chas.bicking.
Finally, a special shoutout to @jpfieber for alerting me today to the existence of a “thunk” in Excel. I may enroll into a graduate-degree program to understand what it is and why Joseph needs to go so deep to build his new and improved Budget Plan template.
It’s March. I hope those of you who are budgeters are on track two months into the new year.