Excel or Google Sheets is one better than the other for use with Tiller

I suggest you read this thread…

I am an Excel user and have everything I need. However, although Tiller is adding more features in Excel, it will be a while before the amount of features, maturity of features, and community support are up to par with Google sheets. I suggest if you are happy with sheets then stay there for now. However if you are a power Excel user that can supplement existing Tiller offerings with your own use of Excel features and find it fun to add-your-own … then switch.

The energy you mention around Excel is due to the large Excel potential user base as so many people are familiar with it. Also as Microsoft has moved away from their own Money in Excel there is an opportunity to pull in those users. It is also addressing long standing community requests for a fuller Excel offering.

Either way Tiller Money is a great step up from other options. Good luck!

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