đź“Ł February 2024 Shoutouts

Before we slip too far into February, I wanted to share a few notes and shoutouts for contributions last month…

Remember to Vote… for Show & Tells

Starting in 2024, the power to recognize, celebrate and award fellow community members for the Show & Tell contributions is in your hands. Please remember to be generous with your votes for any contributions you find inspiring or useful. :ballot_box:

We will make our first community-vote-based awards for Show & Tell contributions in early April.

Show & Tells

Let’s start with six cool Show & Tell contributions from last month…

  • Auto Balance Forecast by @MinFarshaw
    • This template forecasts the balance of a checking or savings account “fully automatically”. @MinFarshaw “wanted something that just works” out of the box.
    • @MinFarshaw “was heavily inspired by the templates @1Email2RuleThemAll has posted" and leveraged them as building blocks for her solution.
    • She has been actively publishing updates and improvements already posting a version 2.1.
  • Create a Cash Flow Sankey chart by @ purujit.saha
    • This Google Apps Script generates a cashflow Sankey chart in a modal. Sankey charts are amazing for visualizing cashflow.
  • Institution Alerts Notification - Google Sheets by @jpfieber
    • Joseph shared formulas to pull from Tiller’s institution outage dashboard directly into your your spreadsheet for relevant accounts. If you experience intermittent connection issues, this is a great workflow to stay up to date conveniently in your own spreadsheet.
  • Apps Script (Google Sheets) to count Rows and Cells in Workbook by @ScottC
    • When @ScottC bumped up against Google’s cell limit, he wrote a diagnostic tool. The Google Apps Script creates a new sheet named Sheet Details with row and cell counts for every sheet in your workbook.
  • Envelope Register - Google Sheets by @jpfieber
    • Joseph shared an alternate approach to envelopes that :differs from using Categories on the Monthly Budget, Savings Budget or Budget Status sheets.
    • In this approach, you use a dedicated “Envelopes” column (or tags) so you aren’t restricted to one category, allowing you to collect any transactions you choose to count against the chosen envelope.
    • “It occurred to me that just because I can’t get my entire budget to work using an “Envelope” system, doesn’t mean I can’t apply the “Envelope” concept to parts of my budget.”
  • Multiple sheets are better than having everything in one by @abhiroopb
    • @abhiroopb shares his workflow leveraging IMPORTRANGE() to feed three spreadsheets with discrete purposes: Foundational template, “Mobile” and “Analysis”.

:ballot_box: Again, please don’t forget to add your votes to these and other solutions!


Our rolling, one-quarter leaderboard is available here if you haven’t seen it. At the end of each quarter (next awards in early April), we award Tiller subscriptions and gift certificates. See this link for details.

As always, thank you to all of our amazing community leaders and contributors. :pray: