Fidelity Rewards Visa duplicate transactions?

In the last 2 days, I’ve been getting duplicate transactions for my Fidelity Rewards Visa.

I only have the new connection method enabled, and these are new duplicates, not from before the cutover date.

Is this a known issue?

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I’ve had a few duplicates during the last week. These are duplicate transactions that download into the Transactions sheet from Fidelity Investments. Different transaction id’s but everything else is identical. Not all transactions are duplicated, just a few seemingly at random.

Thanks, I’ll take a closer look at my brokerage accounts as well.

Where are you finding the transaction ID? I don’t appear to have that column in my Transactions sheet.

Never mind; hidden column. All of the transaction IDs are unique for the duplicate transactions.

I’ve seen no issues with my brokerage accounts. Just the credit card account. The duplicate transactions started around April 22.


I have the opposite problem. I updated my Fidelity brokerage account to include the VISA card and got rid of the separate CC account. The new account shows up on the Tiller web page but my linked spreadsheet still shows the old account on the accounts page and nothing about the new account. Are there additional steps I need to follow?

You have to add the account, and then also make sure it is linked to your sheet. I initially missed the second step.

thanks @jim.correia I missed the 2nd step as well of linking it in my sheet

but I’m going through the duplicate transactions and am confused. The amounts for my old Fidelity CC transactions have a negative sign which matches how my other CC transactions show up. But the new Fidelity CC account has all the transactions as positive numbers. Is that a bug or do I need to adjust something else?

I started categorizing some of the duplicate transactions before I realized they were duplicates so now I’ve made a bit of mess. Ugh. If I revert my sheet to an earlier version will Tiller fill the transactions again based on most recent transaction date on that sheet?

That’s the other bug we’re seeing:

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Seeing this one also but have not heard anything on when this will be fixed.

I understand that bugs happen. How do I keep up with when this will be fixed? Is there an easy way or utility to reverse the sign on the transactions that should be negative?

Try this . . .



This quick & simple fix works in Excel 365 (tested on the desktop version) to switch signs on dollar amounts (from + to -).

On the Transaction sheet, Filter on the new Fidelity Visa transactions. I had given my Fidelity Visa account a new Account Name before I pulled directly from Fidelity (vs Elan), so this was snap for me. You should be able to filter by Account Name & Dates to get your transactions filterer as required.

Enter a -$1.00 value in any cell on your spreadsheet. Format this call it as currency, right justified, etc. to match the formatting of the Amount values on your Transaction sheet. Copy this value into the clipboard.

Select the visible cells in Amounts col in the filtered Fidelity Visa transactions, right-click on the selection, then select Paste Special from the context menu.

If the -$1.00 cell you copied is still on the clipboard, you will see this:


Select the Multiply option, then OK. Multiplying by -$1.00 will reverse the +/- (from + to -) value on all the selected amounts.

Delete the -$1.00 figure wherever you entered it.

I’m sure someone can offer a similar solution for Google Sheets

thank you @jdk
I’m using google sheets and filtered the transactions sheet by account to only show transactions for the new Fidelity Rewards Visa. Then I added a column to the right and multiplied the amount in that row by -1. Then copied the new column on top of the original Amount column and did a paste special → values only

This seems to have done the trick. I’ll have to do this periodically until the bug is fixed.

I missed a step in my post above so try this . . .

This quick & simple fix works in Excel 365 (tested on the desktop version) to switch signs on dollar amounts (from + to -).

On the Transaction sheet, Filter on the new Fidelity Visa transactions. I had given my Fidelity Visa account a new Account Name before I pulled directly from Fidelity (vs Elan), so this was snap for me. You should be able to filter by Account Name & Dates to get your transactions filterer as required.

Enter a -$1.00 value in any cell on your spreadsheet. Format this call it as currency, right justified, etc. to match the formatting of the Amount values on your Transaction sheet. Copy this value into the clipboard.

Select the visible cells in Amounts col in the filtered Fidelity Visa transactions, right-click on the selection. With the cells selected, go to Find and Select, then Go To Special.

Then select Visible Cells only.

Excel Visible Cells Only 1

With the cells still selected, Paste Special from the context menu.

If the -$1.00 cell you copied is still on the clipboard, you will see this:


Select the Multiply option, then OK. Multiplying by -$1.00 will reverse the +/- (from + to -) value on all the selected amounts.

Delete the -$1.00 figure wherever you entered it.

I do always test new modifications on a copy of my file and I encourage others to always test on a copy as well.

I’m sure someone can offer a similar solution for Google Sheets.

Please let me know if I missed anything.

Echoing the question. Again, Tiller has recently enabled Fidelity Visa card downloads through the Fidelity brokerage, which I have activated. The Fidelity Visa charges that download are reflected as positive numbers in the Transactions spreadsheet, when normally, credit card charges are reflected as negative numbers (unless I receive a refund, which is posted as a positive number). Is this a temporary glitch or is there a setting I need to change on my end? Thanks!

We’ve reported this issue to our data provider and they’re working on a fix, but we don’t have an ETA right now. Sorry for this inconvenience.

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AS of today, June 8, this duplicate entry problem is gone; I had a few instances of double entries which I fixed by making the transaction value zero on the duplicate one.

My big issue with the Fidelity Rewards Visa is them taking sometimes 5 days to post a transaction.

That’s not a big problem for me because I am a bit over the top on how I do my credit cards: I scan them each day or so. The scanner OCRs them so i can search for a particular item whether “mulch” or “milk” and then I put the date and amount and brief description in a pending file (a text file). So I can see if there are big debits coming that haven’t posted.

Scanning the credit card slips takes a minute overall for each one. I scan the day’s slips and add that file to that month’s file. To manipulate my PDF’s I use a program called PDF-X about $50 for a permanent license, So at the end of the month I have one file with all the slips.

Yesterday my wife asked me "Where did we get those scooters for Austin and Lucy? I want to buy two more for Grace and Gavin (our grandchildren). I found all the information, model #, price etc because I could search for “scooter” in the May visa slip file.

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As of today, June 8, I’m still getting duplicate transactions. The reversed sign problem, however, has gone away.

Do we have an ETA for a 100% fix for the Fidelity Rewards Visa data?

These duplicate transaction issues need to be triaged by our data feeds team.

Please reach out to our support team via the chat window in the lower right corner of the Console at