Hello Money - how do send to my spouse and setup multiple views?

I’m trying to do the following

  • I want my spouse to receive our daily hello money which tracks cash flow from our bank accounts and credit cards - is there a way to do this? I could setup an email rule that forwards the email or a new email that auto forwards - is there a way in Tiller to send this to my spouse?
  • I want to setup a separate Hello Money view that has our net worth and doesn’t go out as regularly - is there a good way to do this also?
  • What’s the best way to track private investments that there’s no automatic login to? Just in a spreadsheet?

[Edited .]

Hi @bjasik and welcome!
To add an email to the daily Hello, Money email, using a forwarding rule is the way to do it. (For now: my initial response included a beta feature that allows you to add emails via the Tiller console, so I would expect there will be an official way to do this soon.)

There’s no official way to set up additional customized emails, but you should check out this show-and-tell @Mark.S put together:

Regarding private investments, there’s been some discussion of tracking them, e.g.,