How do I Group Assets on the Balances Sheet?

I would like to group my assets and liabilities on the balances tab. For example under assets want cash account, investments, fixed assets, etc. Thank you.

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On your “Accounts” sheet, In column “A” (Account), choose an account that you’d like to add to a group. Then in column “C” (Group) Type in what you’d like the grouping to be called (eg. “Credit Cards”). Do the same for each account you’d like added to a group. Once you’ve done this, go back to your Balances sheet and they should be organized into the groups you assigned.


Thank you so much!! You directions worked perfectly. :slight_smile:


Sounds like good advice. One thing. I cant find the “accounts” sheet. here are the tabs I do find. I know you said sheets… surely I dont have to go out of this thing to add a group???

It’s probably hidden. To the right of the sheet names there is a button that looks like a stack of lines, just to the right of the ‘+’ button. Click that “All Sheets” button and you’ll see a list of all your sheets, including hidden ones. You should find “Accounts” there.


@phyllispil57 As an example, here is what I do. Blake