How to remove certain accounts from the "Balances" tab?

I have a few different accounts with Chase. I was originally pulling all of them into my Tiller sheet, but now only want to pull in some of those accounts. In my Tiller Console I’ve unchecked the accounts I no longer want to pull in. However, the balances for those accounts remain in the “Balances” tab. How do I remove those balances from the “Balances” tab? Thanks!

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Try this. Go into the Balance History tab and put a zero in the balance column for the last row of the Chase account that you removed from the Console and that you want zeroed out in the Balances tab. Please let me know if it works.:slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for telling me about the Balances History tab; didn’t know that tab existed. I ended up just deleting all the rows associated with that account in the Balances History tab (I wanted that account fully removed from my Tiller records) and now the account is gone from the Balances tab. Perfect solution, thanks!

I had the same question recently after paying off a debt. I didn’t want to see it at zero forever on the Balances tab (this one isn’t growing back!).

My solution was to go to the Accounts tab (hidden) and put “Hide” in the Hide column. Boom, it’s gone. :slight_smile:

Hope that helps someone else searching for the future.


I just had some CDs mature so I wanted to take those $0 balances off the Balances tab but still keep the historical data (so my net worth would be accurate).

@jameswoosley I tried your suggestion of entering “Hide” in the Accounts tab, but that didn’t work for me. First, I entered “Hide” in column Q which caused an error. Then, I entered “Hide” in column D which didn’t seem to do anything. Can you share which column in the Accounts tab you entered “Hide”? Thanks!

@eilean It’s column D on the Accounts tab (column Q is hidden by Tiller and used by their code so I leave it alone). Entering “Hide” in D will hide it on the Balances tab (it may take a moment to update), but it will also remove it from reports that use the historical data like net worth.

I tested it by hiding my house asset account. It no longer counted the value of my home on the net worth reports. Interestingly though, the Debt Progress tab still has a closed debt account visible, so it must not rely on the Hide trigger for anything.

There is probably a way to do what you want, but it would be deeper in the code. Wish I could do more for you. Without additional input from someone else, I see two options for you:

  1. If you want to hide it from the Balances tab, you’ll lose the data on your net worth reports.

  2. If you want to keep it on your net worth reports, it has to remain unhidden and on your Balances tab. But you could create a new group on the Accounts tab called “zArchive” or “zCashed Out” or something to put it on the bottom of the list.

@eilean, @jameswoosley,

Here is a trick I just thought of. Do as @jameswoosley says in his option #2 so these account/s appear at the bottom of the Balances tab and then just Hide those last row/s. However, you will need to remember you did this as it will need to be adjusted if you add other accounts in the future.


@jameswoosley I actually didn’t know I could categorize my accounts in the Accounts tab, thanks for making me aware of that! I did as you suggested in option #2; great idea.

@Blake Thanks for your suggestion! Unfortunately, I know I would forget that I hid those rows so I just moved them to the bottom.

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FYI - Here is an example of what you can do by using the Group column on the Accounts tab.

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