Is the "rollover-budget" feature still available and, if so, how can I access it?

I am a new user (Dec 2023) and am looking for the “rollover budget” feature that I see referenced in posts from 2019-20. I even find a YouTube video given by Heather in 2019 that demos it. I don’t see the feature in the Foundation Template (Sheets or Excel) nor on the Tiller Community Solutions add-in. I read that it is incompatible with the Foundation Template so I am hesitant to invest a lot of time in the Foundation Template if it’s going to lead to a dead-end. Thanks for any help and clarification and sorry for the newbie question here. Otherwise, this looks like a great solution for me.

Hi and welcome.

Not sure which “rollover budget” feature your referring to but have you looked at the “Savings Budget”?

As @MarcC notes, @mike.sale97, the “Rollover Budget” has been superseded by the Savings Budget. There are a few fussy features that didn’t make it into the newer version but most users find the Savings budget more performant and easier to use.

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Thank-you @MarcC and @randy! This looks just what I was looking for. I will check it out. Thanks for the fast response.

That’s good to hear. Have fun with it.