Labs manual transaction issue with "+1" Button

I am having trouble when adding manual transactions to manual accounts. I think it is an issue with using the “Add Transaction + 1” button. If I add 4 transactions with the “Add Transaction” button, the Balance History is correct. If I use the “Add Transaction + 1” Button, it appears to use the original Balance in the history for the next transaction. For instance, the last 4 transactions from the register:

Date Description Category Amount
12/16/2020 Add 200 again Transfer $200.00
12/16/2020 test 2 add 200 Transfer $200.00
12/16/2020 test remove 200 Transfer -$200.00
12/16/2020 test add 200 Transfer $200.00

Starting Balance is $300. First add of 200 works, but first subtract does not.

Date Time Account Account # Account ID Institution Balance
12/16/20 8:41 AM 207 xxxx 002 test Properties $500.00
12/16/20 8:36 AM 207 xxxx 002 test Properties $500.00
12/16/20 8:35 AM 207 xxxx 002 test Properties $100.00
12/16/20 8:35 AM 207 xxxx 002 test Properties $500.00

Any thoughts, what may be going on?

:wave: @email2cag!

This is likely just a bug with the way the tool works. I’ll make sure the Labs team takes a look.


The balance updates in the manual-transaction workflow are a relatively new feature. I think @heather is right, @email2cag that this is a bug that slipped through.

I will try to get this fixed by the end of the week.
Thanks for your patience.

Hey @randy, is there any update on this? I’ve been running into the same issue.

Thanks for the patience, @email2cag, and for the tickler, @cculber2.

I think I’ve got this one fixed in the Tiller Money Labs add-on. Just be sure to reload the spreadsheet tab before testing so you pull down the new version of the code.

Let me know if it works.

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Looks to be working. Thanks, @randy!

Happy to hear that, @cculber2.