My review of TIller after using it for a year. TL;DR: Use it, you will love it

As a developer/programmer, I am always very critical of software because I know exactly what is possible, how things should be, and how to achieve the optimal user experience (UI/UX).

I started using Tiller with Google Sheets on January 1, 2023 and I used it all year.

Tiller works exactly how I would expect or want a budgeting system to work. I love it.

It pulls my data in, and saves to a spreadsheet and that’s it. No unused space with ads or bubbly design, no assumptions on what I need to see/know, etc.

For example, while I used Tiller for transaction tracking, I was not using it for budgeting because I’ve never budgeted and I wasn’t sure how much I should or do spend on everything.

Well, after a year’s worth of transactions, I was able to create a pivot table, filter out some junk transactions, and see exactly what my monthly spend was for each category. That information helped me fill out the budget columns in the category sheet.

Another example: I wanted to use the same category in different groups. I was able to modify some of the formulas in the sheet so I could use a group > category format and it works great. And I could add a column to say if an expense is fixed (every month; required) or dynamic. This let me quickly see how much money I need every month when I went to get life insurance and disability insurance.

I have tried numerous other services but Tiller is the best.




You may like adding the Live Profit and Loss sheet to your set up – I only rarely need to set up pivot tables now and prefer this view most when looking for annual spending summary data. I’ve also reconfigured it to show one year per column, and I love the cross-year look that provides as well.


Just checked it out. Pretty slick. My wife will def like it. Thank you!

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Just added the Live Profit & Loss spreadsheet. Thanks! How did you reconfigure it to show one year per column?

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