Net Worth is always zero $0.00 in Net Worth sheet

I have a question about the Net Worth template from Tiller Community Solutions. My networth shows $0 – every month, on the net worth sheet.

This used to work, where I would see a net worth that made sense.

I have restored the Net Worth Community solutions multiple times, to no avail.

Also, a Net Worth Snapshot shows no accounts. The Balances page shows a full net worth picture. However, snapshot and the “Net Worth” sheets are both empty.

Any ideas?

thank you@

Hi @jmurray - I would recommend double check the date configuration settings on the Net Worth and snapshot sheets. Sometimes when you restore it reverts to an old date range.

If the Balances sheet is showing all your accounts and accurate balances/net worth that tells me the Accounts sheets and Balance History sheets are working as you’d expect.

Are you seeing $0 for ALL accounts for ALL months or is it a specific account/month?

If it’s a specific account/month double check the Balance History sheet that there is data for that account in that month.

Hey @jmurray! this was happening to me and I realized this was happening because I added columns to the accounts sheets. Could that be what’s happening to you? I fixed it by expanding the hidden columns in the Net Worth Tracker sheet and fixing the column references to the account sheet.

We are super grateful, @matthew.ed.keller, that you’re solving issues in the community but his one is almost a year old. :wink:

Please don’t let this message dampen your generous spirit.

Hi @randy,

I’m assuming your point is that I shouldn’t post on this thread since it’s unlikely that this person will see this response. I disagree. Multiple people have posted about this issue and I was running into the exact same problem. These posts come up when searching about the issue with no indication of why this might be happening. Even if the original poster doesn’t see this, it’s possible someone else can benefit from what I found out.

To be honest, your message comes off as passive-aggressive and condescending. It’s not adding anything to the value of this question and it definitely “dampens my generous spirit” :roll_eyes:

Apologies, @matthew.ed.keller. I assumed you were trying to help the original poster, whom I figured may no longer be active here due to the age of the original post.

You have a totally valid point about the resolution still being broadly helpful.

Sorry that my response came across in a negative way which I had not intended.

Thanks again for sharing your learnings and contributing to solving this help request.

I am the OP and am still following the topic. I appreciate the updates. I have not worried about this. For me, it was broken when I asked the question. After several months, the net worth did start to work properly, not by any suggestions here. I had not added any columns or otherwise did something strange.

Due to this problem and others, I created a new sheet (my 2.0) and started again. My 2.0 is working fine. Strangely, when I go back to 1.0, that is working now as well.

So, I am not sure what solved the problem.

I appreciate your help!