Net Worth/Net Worth Snapshot

Hi, new to tiller and I’m liking what I see so far, but am having an issue with two of the sheets, Net Worth and Net Worth Snapshot. I am having some liabilities show up as assets, some Group sub-total amounts showing in the listing of assets, and some assets showing the incorrect value. I’m not sure what I’m doing incorrectly? The only modifications I’ve made to the workbook is to update certain accounts/assets that I could not link online (updated Balance History and Accounts tabs manually, and amounts pull over correctly to the Balances tab, with correct net worth amount reflected).

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!


This seems odd and inconsistent.

  1. The Balances and both Net Worth tabs pull from Balance History. If the amounts in Balances is correct but the Net Worth tabs are wrong then that does not make sense.
  2. Confirm that you made no changes on the Net Worth tabs other than entering input items at the top of those tabs. If you did make changes, then that might be your problem.
  3. You are obviously familiar with how the Accounts and Balance History tabs work if you successfully got manual accounts to flow to the balances tab.
  4. The only reasonable explanation to me is that the Net Worth tabs are corrupted.
  5. I would consider deleting those two tabs and then reinstalling.
  6. If you delete, the good news is that you will not lose the manual accounts work that you did on the Balances History tab.
  7. Please let us know how it goes.



Blake, thanks. I deleted both NW tabs and re-installed, unfortunately to no avail. Should I reinstall all tabs and start over? Thankfully the manual work on the Balance History and Accounts tabs was minimal.


You might consider the following:

  1. Contact support.

  2. Keep your current sheet and create a new one from scratch. You are allowed to have five sheets.

  3. Maybe other community users have ideas.

