Very frustrated and inexperienced spreadseet user here. I’ve searched and been unable to find anything I could understand that could help. I made a pie chart using Heather’s 2020 post on the Tiller website but I can’t figure out how to change it by month or year. Her post says to copy =‘Monthly Budget’!H3 into D1 and the same formula ending in H2 into E1. I did that and it shows January in D1 and 2024 in E1. But there is no pulldown menu to change the month or year like her post says there should be.
Not only that but the amounts shown in column C don’t seem to match any month or year that I can find. Does that formula show the current month , or just january? I’m also not sure that if it is January that the numbers are correct since they seem way off to me.
I’d like to set it up where I can use a pulldown menu to choose the month or year and see the chart, and maybe that is how it is supposed to work if you do it right.
This simply displays the value that’s on the Monthly Budget sheet, so you know what month and year the chart is displaying. Change it via the Monthly Budget sheet.
The amounts are based on the Month and Year selected at the top of the Monthly Budget sheet.
The amounts source is the Monthly Budget sheet.
This needs to be done on the Monthly Budget sheet, because that’s the source of the data for the pie chart.
You would need to create a different formula than what’s used in this pie chart example, like a QUERY that reports expenses based on the Transactions sheet and uses the Month and Year values on the pie chart as filters.
Thanks. That will work instead of a pie chart. Next question is how to manually add values into cells where there is no data. Under my ‘paycheck’ column it is blank for the first year of data because I didn’t have Tiller yet and credit cards etc looked back quite a bit but my bank data didn’t look back as far.
@jefflawsonvb I guess the first thing to figure out is what data (format) you have available to you. But it sounds like you already have transactions in your Transactions sheet that relate to pay checks but the “Check Number” column is empty? If that’s the case then perhaps you can filter (GSheets | Excel) by those transactions and manually enter the data. Does this help at all?