Recurring Transactions with Group/Category Filter


This is a modification of the existing Google Sheets Recurring Transactions Tracker by AdamBecker. I really like it however, there are times that I don’t wish to see transactions by category, especially if you use the Paycheck Deduction sheet, you’ll have multiple recurring transactions for taxes, deductions etc. that most likely won’t really play into budgeting.
This sheet allows you to filter by group/category and also has a group blacklist so you don’t have to filter out certain groups.


Go to the template: Transaction Tracker - Google Sheets
Make sure you’re on the Recurring Transaction sheet and on the bottom, select Copy To, then select Existing Sheet and select your existing Tiller sheet.

If your Transaction sheet doesn’t have a group column, see here for how to put one in. Add Group Column to Transaction sheet


Once you copy the sheet to your existing Tiller sheet, it should work right away.
If you already have the Recurring Transaction sheet, then this will have “copy” in the sheet name).


The sheet itself works the same way as the current Recurring Transactions with the following additions:

  1. You can filter on Group or Categories, or both.
  2. You can blacklist a specific range of Groups to exclude that from the query.


Is it ok for others to copy, use, and modify your workflow?