Savings & Debt (Prototype) - Savings Account Check - Rounding Issues

Good Morning!

I came across a small bug in the determination of underfunded accounts in the case that the account balance and current allocation net out to zero. The sheet will consider the account underfunded in this case. I was able to remedy the issue by adding ROUND() functions in the following formulas and making a slight edit to the Savings Account Check banner formula.

AZ13 Underfunded Accounts
This ensures that there are no micro rounding errors when calculating the difference between account balance and current allocation.


K5 Unallocated
Similar to above, this ensures that there are no micro rounding errors when calculating the difference between the selected account balance and current allocation.


K1 Savings Account Check
The formula has been tweaked to include an unallocated amount of $0 in the “good” savings account check status.

=if(isblank(J2),"Savings Account Check",if(K5>=0,"👍👍👍 Savings Account Check 👍👍👍",if(K5<0,"👎👎👎 Savings Account Check 👎👎👎","")))

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These are great refinements, @cculber2. I’m sorry it took me so long to implement them. They are in the newly-published version 0.66.

I’m happy to see you are using the Savings & Debt template and I’m grateful for your keen eye toward making these template better.

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A post was split to a new topic: Savings & Debt Template Install Issue