I use several of the great add-ons provided by the community.
Every time I launch my tiller foundation, I need to go to the menu and “View document add-ons”.
Is there a preference/setting to have these automatically visible and available when I launch my tiller?
It would save tedious clicks every time I want to get started with my tiller session.
Hi @scott thanks for your patience here. We can’t change the functionality of Google sheets, so you do need to launch the add-ons in order to use them.
However, they should just appear under “Extensions” in your Google sheets, no need to click into Add-ons > View document add-ons. It’s possible you just need to wait a moment for your sheet to load before going into your Extensions menu. Does your extensions menu look like mine in the screenshot I’ve added?
Yes, I’ll launch the Tiller Money Feeds from the extensions drop down…thanks
FYI, I like the new Tiller Money Feeds. Much cleaner and easier for a new person like me to navigate. Good decision.
Are you talking about the new sidebar user interface that went out today, @scott?