Survey: Tracking Your Savings Goals with Tiller

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We’re working on new workflows that will make it easier for you to track savings goals with Tiller. This includes everything from your emergency fund, retirement, holiday gifts, saving for a fun vacation, or even just seeing your unspent category funds accrue month to month.

There are some great community solutions already out there for savings, but we’re hoping to build out savings workflows that will be part of Tiller’s core supported products vs just community supported.

We would appreciate your feedback as we set out to build this new savings workflow via a quick 3-minute survey in a brief Google form.

From the responses, we will choose five winners for a Tiller tee shirt or hat – your choice!

I did the survey but have to ask if you are working on this for excel. I don’t trust google with my data and only started using you because of the roll out with Excel. I’m halfway through the trial and am on the fence because the features I like are only available in google sheets.

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Is there any of your outlets that would be capable of use by a Uk resident?


Alan Dunwell

Hi @jmweir,

Our goal is to offer this for both Google Sheets and Excel, yes. I can’t say that the rollout will be at the same time though as we have to build completely separately for both platforms.

@alan.dunwell can you share more about your question here? What do you mean by “outlets”?

Thanks to everyone who completed our survey! We have contacted our five winners today.

Feel free to complete the survey to share feedback, but the prize period is now closed.

@heather I can’t remember if I shared this in my survey or not. Ya’ll might already be thinking about something like this. Was just looking at the Savings and Debt sheet again, thinking about how I’m going to be tracking some savings goals. That solution requires you to create a Category for each savings goal, it would be nice if the new solution allows savings goals to be created within a single category, this way we don’t have to create, fund, use and retire categories (keeping them, but never deleting them). I’ve been looking at @jpfieber Budget Plan worksheet which allows you to add multiple items under the same category and they all roll up to single category on the Category budget sheet. If the new savings goal solution could mimic this behavior in some way, but include the Savings & Debt features as well, this would be fantastic! Oh yeah, and let me know when you need some beta testing for Google Sheets!


A post was split to a new topic: Savings Budget: how do I deal with rollovers and category budgets for subsequent month?