Tiller Feed Pending transactions

I hope I am not asking a redundent question, but does the Tiller Feed have the option to pull in pending transactions? Is that an option or could we make it a settings option by account in the feed?

My pending transactions end up 99.9% the same as posted - or I can manually adjust the odd transaction as needed. My preferenence is to see all transactions as soon as possible to more accurately know what $$s are available in various categories.

Appreciate any views on this. -kent

I think I heard discussion of trying to fill pending transactions, but until then I believe everyone is entering manual transactions. If you are using Google Sheets then there is a workflow to add the manual transactions and then reconcile them once they download. It is not in Excel yet. I think it is on the to do list as well as creating manual accounts, again already a feature in Sheets.

There’s a big ol’ thread on this


Bottom line is nope but a bunch of us wish there were such an option!

Thanks Susan. It really is needed in my opinion.

  • kent sander

Vote for this feature here: https://community.tillerhq.com/t/pending-transactions/86

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