Transfer Comment Data to Note Column

For years, in the Transaction sheet, I have been using the Comment dropdown of the Category column to provide additional information about the transaction. I now wish to use the Note column (much greater visibility and functionality) for this information. Kindly advise if there is a way to transfer all the data previously saved in the Comment dropdowns to the new Note column.

I found this thread in Google Support that might help, it requires using Google AppsScript.

Morgan, thank you for your response. It looks like it might represent a good solution. As it turns out, since there were only about 20-25 instances of my problem, yesterday I decided to fix it up manually.

Who knows, perhaps in the future I’ll want to do something equivalent, and your post might be just the ticket.

From “Morgan Greene via Tiller Community” <>
Date 2/22/2024 7:23:38 PM
Subject [Tiller Community] [Google Sheets] Transfer Comment Data to Note Column

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