I spent a good deal of time cleaning up rows in Transactions which were formatted differently than expected. I read these posts before cleaning up the rows (reformatting) and removing duplicates.
This morning’s load brought in about 200 rows (many of which are from Sept '22 or earlier) along with newer rows with incorrect formatting.
The incorrect formatting on the rows likely has something to do with the rows at the bottom of your Transactions sheet where data is initially filled then sorted to the top. You’ll want to update the formatting for all cells in the Transactions sheet column by column or select all the data to correct the fonts.
As for the duplicates, I’m not 100% sure why it would be bringing in old transactions again - sometimes there is a glitch on our data provider’s site where it will bring in old data.
I’d recommend reaching out to our support team via the chat window in the lower right corner of the Console at https://my.tillerhq.com/
I cleaned up a lot of formatting using Sheets “Data Cleanup” I also categorized those items from 2022. Today’s import did much better only adding 3 transactions. However 1 of the 3 was import of the same transaction to separate accounts.
I did. But i also noticed that the tx i imported from Mint stuff did not have Account ID filled. So i went thru tx and populated missing entries. That seems to have helped with the duplications. As to the format, i came across a troubleshooting doc on the Category column which i followed to make sure new rows would receive validations.
Things were looking dandy until this morning. I had some trepidation when the daily e-mail had a long list of transactions I’d already seen and updated. But I went ahead and let Tiller fill new transactions.
There were dups back into September, but, most had been imported by the CSV importer from Mint data and didn’t have transaction ID. I cleaned out those rows added by CSV in favor of those just inserted.
That leads to a question: Does the data feed do a periodic look-back on certain days of the month (e.g. at the end of the month re-gather for last 90 days ). Sept 1 is 90 days from 11/30 …