TRXN8R - A Bulk CSV Importer for Excel; Powered by Power Query

Sorry for the delay on responding to your concept, @GregSweats, but it took some time for our judging panel to process what you built…

What we like:

  • The ambition of a configurable, push button import tool for Excel
  • The integration of advanced platform tools like Power Query
  • Your entertaining presentation & graphical style (e.g. “:cat::dragon: TRXN8R’s Rawrply”)

What didn’t quite line up to our contest goals:

  • Dependence on scripts
  • Feels incomplete
  • Too complex for most users to get up and running

To honor all the sweat you’ve put into this and to recognize this project may inspire or provide a starting point to future builders, we are excited to extend your Tiller subscription by one year.

Thanks, @GregSweats, for your passion and contribution to the 2022 Microsoft Excel Builders Challenge.