Hi @randy
Thank you for making return workflow working.
I see what you meant by it being limited.
I first import my amazon orders for a month, and then do refunds.
I noticed that refunds are imported like so:
[Amazon Return Item] Item in Order 111-7940460-4008267
But, if I search for that order ID manually in tiller spreadsheet, I can find the actual item being returned. I assume it might not work very well if one amazon order contained multiple items, and I returned only one of them. But, for the cases where one item is equal one order, would it be possible for you to search for that item id during import, and if amount matches (in my case it always did) then use that to get item name?
At the very least it would improve return workflow for hopefully majority of cases, and then for some I might have to manually figure it out which actual item was returned from that order.
Thank you!