I understand what you’re asking, @sagor. I think there are two possible approaches to cross referencing the limited returns CSV fields to build a richer record:
- Performing a search in the user’s sheet for a matching
Order Id
and pulling data from that row (as you note). - Uploading two CSV files (e.g. the returns and orders) together and cross referencing the returns
Order Id
into a richer data source before row insertion.
These would both require special Amazon-specific code in the Import CSV Line Items workflow (e.g. if the user is running the Amazon returns workflow, invoke a bunch of special code). At this time, all of the line-items workflow (e.g. Mint, Paypal, Venmo, etc…) run the same set of operations and I’m hesitant to complicate that at this time (particularly since the Amazon data formats seem to be in flux).
One suggestion for a go-get-em community builder… I’d be open to building a new data mapper if someone in the community wanted to take on the challenge of building a public returns-csv-merger service. It wouldn’t be a huge project to create a web service that accepted a returns and orders CSV and outputs a “super CSV” containing the returns lines with information about what they contained. (The hardest problem would be matching bulk orders to single line items presumably based on a fuzzy price match— but this could just look for a simple exact match and then throw up its hands with a generic description when things got complicated.)