Wanting to start fresh with YNAB history

I’m a LONG time YNAB user and recently discovered Tiller. I tried the free trial, got all confused, and then basically abandoned it after only a few days. Wishing I could start my 30 day free trial over again. LOL! I’d like to give it a fair test before my YNAB subscription renews again in Dec. YNAB is awesome and I’m super comfortable with it, but I also really like a lot of what I see in Tiller.

Anyway, so now I have a linked spreadsheet with 90 days of historical data, but I removed all my connected accounts and cancelled Tiller. It doesn’t actually cancel until 9/20, so I could simply renew it if I can make this work. I’d really like to import all my YNAB data from the beginning of 2024 and then start using Tiller from that point on.

Can I simply delete everything on my Transactions tab, and then pull everything in following the YNAB instructions? After that, if I then reconnect my accounts, will Tiller only pull in new transactions?

I played around with this last night after posting my question. It ended in frustration. The YNAB->Tiller instructions don’t seem to match up with what my CSV files from YNAB look like. And there appears to be a ton of transactional data I’d have to remove from the CSV before I import it to Tiller. I’m not sure what should be removed vs what to keep. I guess I should just start fresh with Tiller and use it for a while to see how it really compares to YNAB. My concern is if/when I would cancel my YNAB subscription, I lose access to ALL my historical data unless I can import it to a different tool.

I don’t have experience with YNAB, but if you remove accounts from the Tiller console all their data will be removed from Tiller (but not removed from your spreadsheet). If you reconnect a removed account, it will get treated like a new account and fill typically 60-90 days worth of data. You’ll get duplicates, if you have overlapping data, as Tiller does not look at the data in your spreadsheet to determine if transactions already exist. Tiller does keep track of data that it has filled into your spreadsheet, so it’s only new data from that perspective.

You can delete everything on the Transactions sheet (and the Balance History sheet, which is hidden by default). Those are the two sheets that get filled with your data. You may want to make a copy of your spreadsheet before hand, just in case you need it for reference or to possibly copy some data. New data will get filled based on what Tiller has filled already and nothing to do with the content of the data in your Transactions and Balance History sheets.