Yearly budget calculating incorectly


I need help
the sheet does show my budget and actual figures, but the available figure is not correct

Hi @dsmith2038 it appears that there is reversed polarity for your transactions (on the Transactions sheet) i.e. your expenses (-) are appearing as credits (+) and vice versa. Can you please take a closer look to determine whether this is indeed the case and whether it’s limited to an institution, account or if there’s some other pattern. Then write to support using the blue chat widget in the lower right corner of your Console at for futher troubleshooting.

Did you create another Type on the Categories sheet?

Per the note in Categories sheet, cell C1, only Income, Expense, and Transfer types are supported.

Three category types are supported: income, expense, and transfer. By default, Transfer categories are hidden from the Budget sheet.

yes they are reversed and yes, it is only one institution-but 9 accounts in this institution. All accounts are doing the same reversed calculation

OK. Please write to support with the institution name and any other specifics that could help for us to look into it.

This doesn’t look like an account polarity data issue to me, because then Available would be a positive value.
Available = Budget - Actual

Instead, it’s:
Available = Actual - Budget

which behaves the same as if the user added a custom Category Type on the Categories sheet.

I experienced a similar problem. I traced the issue to a new line item that I added in the middle of the category sheet but inserting a new row. I believe it is better to add the new item at the end of the category list since that row has the necessary linkage to the foundation template. After I added the item I then sort the sheet to get it into the desired group.

Hope this helps


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Thanks for that . Let us know if this possibly applies to you @dsmith2038