I’ve tried several times over the years to install and use the Yearly Budget template but I’ve never been able to (and now I’m finally frustrated enough to ask). I always get the same result when I install the template: the template looks like it’s there but it doesn’t populate with anything, just a dark grey box. Doesn’t matter if I change the year or month, nothing populates. I have, I think, a pretty standard unmodified Categories sheet, and I can successfully use the Monthly Budget, Savings, Budget, and all the other templates. This one just doesn’t seem to like something I’m doing. My only troubleshooting guess is that I currently have 207 categories, and I’ve seen elsewhere that that amount can cause some issues. Is that it? I could probably trim out 7 if the limit is 200, but I’d prefer not to if I can avoid it. Thanks.
Hi @chrisgp123,
Something looks very off with your sheet. At first glance, it looks as if all formulas and text below row 3 have been cleared. Here is a screenshot of how the header should look with show formulas turned on (View → Show → Formulas, or Ctrl+`).
Can you restore the Yearly Budget template from Extensions → Tiller Money Feeds → Templates? When prompted, select Archive Existing Template if you have customizations you may want to copy over or Overwrite Existing Template if you don’t need to save anything.
Thanks @cculber2,
Here’s what mine looks like when I show formulas:
And when I restore it from the extension, I get this:
…even though I haven’t typed or done anything during the Restore process. It’s like it hits this error and then stops installing.
That is very strange, @chrisgp123. What happens if you delete the Yearly Budget tab from your spreadsheet and do a fresh install of the template? Alternatively, you can try creating a new spreadsheet from the Tiller Console. If the Yearly Budget template in that spreadsheet looks correct, you can try copying it to your spreadsheet.
So I was under the impression that Yearly Budgets pulled its data from Categories, but I was wrong, it appears to mostly come from Monthly Budgets instead, and on that sheet, I did have some customizations (sparklines showing budget progress) that broke the Yearly Budgets data. So your suggestion to copy from a new template was what lead me to that. Thanks @cculber2!
Aha! Good find, @chrisgp123! I’m glad you were able to figure it out!