Account balance not updating?

Has anybody else run into an issue where their balances aren’t updating after running Tiller Money Feeds?

I have a number of accounts linked on my spreadsheet and everything updated wonderfully when I first created the spreadsheet and linked all my accounts, however, I’ve found that after a couple of days, only a small number of linked accounts are actually getting updated daily.

I’ve tried checking to make sure that the connection is good and also ran Tiller Money Feeds manually through the side bar. After running it just now I only have transactions up until September 12th even though I’ve had posted transactions happen on my accounts between the 12th and today.

Hmmm…I am experiencing the same thing and have been wondering the same as you. My last one was 09-12-19 too and I have had lots of spending since then. I bet we get a big dump by tomorrow morning.

Can you try visiting the Tiller Console to make sure your accounts are refreshing under the Account Summary and then try opening the sheet and clicking “update sheets” in the Tiller Money Feeds sidebar?

Sometimes it takes visiting the Console to kick off a refresh of your data from the bank into our systems. Sometimes this requires re-enter un/pw + security answers/codes.

Here’s our guide on refreshes:

Tried that just now and my accounts from that particular bank just constantly show that looping animation but doesn’t seem to be connecting… it doesn’t seem to be failing either. When I open up the list of linked accounts inside the add-on it shows the account is connected but in the console itself it’s just loading non stop.

For what its worth, my account always shows the spinning circle, even after the status shows Refresh Complete. I basically just ignore it.

The spinning circle doesn’t bother me too much, as my key issue is that some of my accounts aren’t refreshing at all, with one of them being my main chequings account. For some reason it’s still refusing to update with transactions past September 12th.

@hamsolo I just sent you an email directly. We’ll work with you via email to get this resolved. Anytime you’re having data feed issues with bank connections you can always reach out directly to for help.

This same thing is happening to me. Tiller Money Feeds updates 3 or 4 accounts (alphabetically) then just hangs. Tiller Console updates fine and so does another sheet I use powered by Feedbot. Help. Thanks.

@hamsolo Was Tiller Support able to get this resolved for you?

Same trouble here. Nothing in my tiller spreadsheet will update since 2/7/2020.

I’m also having this issue. My last transactions were from 2/14. I’ve tried

  1. opening up tiller console in google sheets and clicking update - it just stays stuck on “loading new transactions and balances” without doing anything
  2. opening my sheet from tillerhq
  3. updating from tillerhq, waiting for the green dots, and then opening my sheet.

Any help someone can provide?,

It sounds like you’re signed in to multiple Google Accounts in your browser. Try opening your sheet in an incognito browser window. First recommend visiting the Tiller Console and making sure things are refreshed under Account Summary before opening.

If that works, I’d recommend creating a dedicated Google Chrome browser profile.


Try this workflow if you haven’t already:

First, re-authenticate your accounts…

  1. Log in to your Tiller Console at
  2. Scroll to Account Summary
  3. Click Refresh next to an institution. (If you see “error” try Connection > Edit credentials)
  4. Enter credentials and/or security codes/answers.
  5. Wait for a successful connection and then close the window to return to the Tiller Console.

Next, update your sheet…

  1. Open your Google Sheet.
  2. Go to Add-ons > Tiller Money Feeds > Launch (or Open Sidebar).
  3. Then in the sidebar click Update Sheets .
  4. Next, go to Settings (still in the sidebar) and toggle Auto Update to the ON position (green). This will allow Tiller to automatically pull your latest available transaction and balance data.

Note: The availability of your account data is dependent on the re-authentication steps above so you may notice that it doesn’t automatically import all the recent data you’d expect without those steps. AutoUpdate does not work with 2FA enabled accounts because of this.

thank you this fixed the issue and saved me pulling hair out!!!
much appreciated…


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