Hi, I know this is a long recurring topic from searching the community history and I know the historical answer was alway “we don’t support authorized users” but there was a recent post where someone was seeing authorized user cards broken out separately – Amex Authorized Users (Additional Cards)
Specifically, I have multiple Amex accounts – two personal and one business - and all of them have additional authorized users. With Amex, authorized users have their own card numbers and transactions and in my workflow I need to have that detail broken out.
I currently have to download my amex transactions via CSV from amex and populate an additional sheet that I then use vlookup’s to match up with the transactions sheet to populate the real cardholder. It’s janky and doesn’t work perfectly because yodlee or amex sanitizes description details in the api load that they don’t sanitize in the CSV – so descriptions won’t match perfectly.
Anyways, give that post above it implies Yodlee does expose authorized user info and perhaps Tiller could enable this as an optional feature on Amex connections?