American Express website CVS download Tiller Download

I am working on backfilling data from my american express cards and I’m noticing that Tiller is using different transaction dates than American express. It could be post date vs transaction date. It looks like the transactions are recorded as a few days after the American Express CSV download. This doesn’t apply uniformly however. Some are the same and some are a few days after. Perhaps its the credit card processor but even Amazon is all over the place.

This was posted a while ago, but yes there’s generally lag, and it’s usually has to do with pending items, trans date as well as post date. You might not have noticed this with other financial institution because a lot more details compare to the other banks. The granularity is amazing

The challenge this issue is creating for me is account reconciliation. I attempt to reconcile my statement balances to my tiller balances by summing the transactions. Because of the semi random nature of amex transactions in Tiller either matching the dates on the amex statement, or being off by 1-2 days, it makes reconciliation very frustrating.

This is not an issue for other banks that match tiller exactly.

Is there a suggested solution that is not manually intense? So far I only have this issue with Amex.

While it may not work 100% of the time due to dates and other transactions, but @jpfieber has a solution that work well, although I’m not sure how they would work for a credit account as theyre intended for bank statements i believe but it could work

It has a feature to append days to a statement in order to account for these erroneous posting dates

The [account reconciliation] google sheets version (Account Reconciliation - Google Sheets)

Or the excel version

Understood, and I am using a modified version of the @jpfieber solution, which works well to band-aid the problem. I would prefer to understand how two electronic downloads (one from the American Express website and one from American Express via Yodlee) do not match exactly.

In the case of my bank, and other accounts, they do match exactly. It seems like Yodlee is passing through a different variant of the transaction date (date pending, date recorded, etc) than the American Express statement and this seems like it would be fixable upstream rather than forcing me to manually enter override dates for transactions.

What timezone are you in? Sometimes timezones can create several hour shifts that appear as days.

Central timezone here

Yodlee pulls posted or transaction dates and that can vary by institution. In the end, I think you are seeing a difference like this. Unfortunately, we are only able to fill the spreadsheet with the data that Yodlee provides to us.

According to the documentation, the yodlee api allows you to choose “date” which may be transaction or posted date, or explicitly choose the posted or transaction date instead of letting the bank choose.

Hi @rfreund - we’re definitely aware. We use “Date” vs explicitly pulling the posted or transaction date. If you’d like for us to consider the alternative, please add a feature request. Thanks!

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Thank you, feature request has been posted.

Super. I see that. Thanks.