Connectivity with Uplift?

I made a purchase and the “financing” went thru a company called Uplift. I tried to connect it and it wasn’t found in the bank search. I have added a manual account for now, but does anyone know of a way to connect to Uplift? I also went to their website and can’t see any way to download transactions, but if anyone knows how to do that to import into my manual account, I’d take that advise too.


It would appear that we currently do not support that institution. Can you please confirm the URL of the login page for Uplift where you sign in to manage your account?

The link is Members Portal - Uplift Also, I don’t know if this is relevant but the login is your phone number, not an email address. Thank you!

@mpresley410 thanks for confirming that. I’m afraid we do not currently support Uplift. You can however still leverage Tiller by manually importing your data if you can get it off Uplift.