I have multiple accounts that are all showing checked marked green in the Tiller Linked Spreadsheets. But only 3 of them are showing up that I can select in the Debt Payoff Planner. 1 in which is a loan and other are Paid off already so I don’t need to use them.
So how do I get the accounts I need or want listed to show up in the sheet?
@footstepshm Do any of them happen to have the same exact account name?
If so, recommend renaming them on the Console then fill the sheet to get the new names to flow in so you can individually selecting them.
If that doesn’t help I’d recommend reaching out to our support team via the chat window in the lower right corner of the Console at https://my.tillerhq.com/ during our office hours (M-F 8AM - 6PM ET) for more help.
I got 1 more account added to the Dept Payoff Planner is all. I still have a manual account but I am unsure if I am doing that right in the first place. Then I have an account loan with my personal bank and it recognized that but it won’t ever update.
Now all the accounts aren’t showing up and a red arrow at the top corner of the 2 that did show up.
I will try and use the chat tomorrow