We are seeing numerous (5 or more at a clip) duplicate Amazon transactions paid by one particular credit card with two ID settings in Tiller. One ID setting under “Account” is “Visa - xxxx” with nothing in the Account Number cell; the other is “Card Nickname_xxxx” and a corresponding “xxxx-XXXX” in the Account Number cell.
Now, the transaction descriptions are different as well. The transactions with just the “Visa - xxxx” are in the format “[Amazon item] detailed item description,” while the ones with the “Card Nickname” are formatted like “Amzn Mktp Us*112233zx4.” These latter transactions are often a sum of two of the other type of transaction, and they post anywhere from one to several days after the actual purchase or when the first transaction is listed in Tiller. Is there a way to clean up the credit card account number so it doesn’t duplicate like this? Is there another workaround? Manual matching and deletion is really quite time-consuming. TIA!