What is the goal of your workflow? What problem does it solve, or how does it help you?
Gives me a daily email with all my transactions since yesterday across my bank and credit cards (wife, kids, work, etc.) so I can see with a glance all activity.
How did you come up with the idea for your workflow?
Want to know what’s happening and bank sites only alert you of odd transactions - I want to see everything.
Please describe your workflow. What are the sheets? Does it use any custom scripts or formulas?
Anything else you’d like people to know?
I have these emails go out to me and my wife so we both know what’s going on. I also use this so my brothers and I can track finances for our elderly mother - we get to see each day what charges are happening on her visa and bank account which gives us all peace of mind.
Is it ok for others to copy, use, and modify your workflow?
yes - see the google script part for the good stuff where the daily email is created and sent.
If you said yes above, please make a copy of your workflow and share the copy’s URL: