So, @mgodwin, you resolved this by restoring the sheet? And you believe it broke because you restored/upgraded an upstream sheet (like Accounts)?
Just checking in…
So, @mgodwin, you resolved this by restoring the sheet? And you believe it broke because you restored/upgraded an upstream sheet (like Accounts)?
Just checking in…
My simple business p&l report is still messed up. I already posted about this and was told it is a known issue regarding bugs about the dates causing some amounts to be reported in the wrong monthly column. Please provide an update as to ETA. I wish this was getting higher priority. I rely on this alot and have been handicapped for at least a month and it has me very frustrated. A p&l report is pretty important when trying to do anything related to finance, right? I really love tiller but i found myself spending some time today looking at other tools. Please advise. Thanks, Blake
Hi @Blake,
We transitioned the P&L reporting functionality to the Tiller Labs add-on last week to address this issue. (It’s also still available in the Tiller add-on, but due to timezone issues some users are encountering this bug in Tiller Money Feeds sheets).
Give it a try and let us know if it’s working for you.
My initial review says it looks good. I will let you know if I have any issues.
Comment - Please consider creating a place where you share issues, bugs, fixes, enhancements, etc. where users and community members can go to keep current on such items.
@Blake, great idea! We were just discussing that on Tuesday and were thinking a dedicated topic in the community might work because customers could engage with the information and reply/ask questions.
In the Category Tracker sheet, cells B6 and E6 should refer to the range starting at row 7. They currently start at row 8, missing the first row when summing.
Thanks for letting us know! We’ll take a look and push an update to this sheet when we’ve verified and fixed.
Thanks @galatic_incipient,
You are correct. That formula is missing row 7.
We have fixed it and the update is now available in the Tiller Labs Add-on. Go to Manage Solutions and update your sheet from Category Tracker v2.00 to 2.01.
Hey y’all, I assume you are aware of this, but the Tiller Labs Add-on does not work if you have Google Advanced Protection activated on your account. Is there any way to use the templates from the labs add-on without installing the add-on?
Hi @will,
We are aware that the permissions/scopes for the Tiller Labs add-on are too broad for use when you have Advanced Protection on. We don’t have a timeline or plan for reducing the permission set at this time. The workaround is to use/authorize the Tiller Labs add-on using a gmail account that doesn’t have advanced protection on.
Extremely minor detail… I think there is a rounding error in the code that creates the automatically calculated split amounts in the Split Transaction tool.
When I clicked the fourth ‘Add Split’ it pre-populated the suggested amount 1 cent shy of the actual remaining difference. Interestingly, it recognized that it had done this and suggested the totals were 1 cent off before I committed the split. (See the bottom of the screenshot.)
In the Monthly Analysis sheet, I am seeing #Ref! errors for Oct-Dec 2020 in the cells that are the subtotals of the various sections. The actual individual Category lines are OK.
These months coincide with the columns AA-AC in my Categories sheet and I think the problem is related to columns having double letter identifiers.
Please let me know if this is the right place to report the issue or if I should have used the Support Page for the sheet itself. Thanks.
Try restoring this sheet using the Tiller Labs add-on under Managed Solutions (you don’t need to archive - you can overwrite existing).
If that doesn’t work you may be missing some dependent sheet or column headers.
Hello, I am currently getting this error on the Tags Report page: =IF(O12,“This report is based on tags added to the ““Tags”” column in the Transactions sheet”,“The required ““Tags”” column is missing from the Transactions sheet. Use the Tiller Labs add-on to reinstall this sheet”). I would love help figuring out what is wrong.
Hi @mariaaithne,
It sounds like you just need to “restore” the Tags sheet via the Tiller Labs add-on under Managed Solutions. That should re-install the Tags column in the Transactions sheet.
If you already had a Tags column in Transacitons just make sure the header is there in row 1 for it, “Tags” - no quotes.
I restored the sheet as you suggested and I am still seeing the same #Ref! errors. It looks like the sheet is dependent on the Categories and Transactions sheets, and it is working correctly for months Jan-Sept. It appears to be having trouble with columns AA-AC in my Categories sheet.
Here is what I am seeing in your hidden cells. You can see that Col R is not getting the corresponding Col letters for Oct-Dec.
1/1/2020 | R | Categories!R2:R | Categories | Column Letter | Range |
2/1/2020 | S | Categories!S2:S | Category | A | Categories!A2:A |
3/1/2020 | T | Categories!T2:T | Group | B | Categories!B2:B |
4/1/2020 | U | Categories!U2:U | Type | C | Categories!C2:C |
5/1/2020 | V | Categories!V2:V | Hide From Reports | E | Categories!E2:E |
6/1/2020 | W | Categories!W2:W | Category Column Exists? | TRUE | |
7/1/2020 | X | Categories!X2:X | |||
8/1/2020 | Y | Categories!Y2:Y | Transactions | ||
9/1/2020 | Z | Categories!Z2:Z | Date | B | Transactions!B2:B |
10/1/2020 | [ | Categories![2:[ | Category | D | Transactions!D2:D |
11/1/2020 | |Categories!\2:|Amount | H | Transactions!H2:H | ||
12/1/2020 | ] | Categories!]2:] | Year Earliest Transaction | 2019 | |
4/1/2020 | Year Latest Transactions | 2020 | |||
2/11/2020 |
Thanks for your response. There is a Tags column in the transaction sheet with the header as you have said it should be.
I restored the sheet and it seems to be working now! Thank you for your guidance!
I can see the problem: the formulas in Q2:Q13 aren’t up to the challenge of two-letter column names.
I just updated and republished the template. Could you upgrade it and let me know if the issue resolves?
P.S. Thanks for your patience on this.