Hello, something is a bit broken on my monthly tab in Excel. I received this guidance from Tiller support and with the holiday I thought instead of going back to Help Support, thought I’d check with the Tiller Community. Just wanting to
Confirm that when I follow these instructions it will simply fix what’s broken and not mess with the work that I’ve done with the budget. I’m working on my
2025 budget currently.
Can you please try to restore the template using the Templates feature in the Tiller Money Feeds extension?
Open your Tiller powered spreadsheet
Open the Tiller Money Feeds sidebar
Choose Tiller Solutions > Add & Manage Templates
Click “Restore template” under the sheet
Choose either “Archive Existing Then Restore” or “Overwrite Existing Template”
Most templates are just for visualizing your data and won’t likely have anything to archive since they aren’t meant to be edited directly. If you’ve made customizations to these templates, you’ll want to choose "Archive Existing Then Restore” so your customizations are saved in an archived version of the template.
The Monthly Budget tab would get completely replaced, if you restored the Monthly Budget template. If you made edits to the Monthly Budget tab, those would be gone, and they are a common reason the tab becomes broken.
No other tabs in the spreadsheet will be affected, if you only restored the Monthly Budget tab.
Keep in mind the word “template” is used to describe not only the entire workbook template, but also individual tab templates.
You could make a backup copy of the spreadsheet before restoring the Monthly Budget tab, just in case, and just to feel more at ease