General Ledger Report?

I am new to Tiller and will be using it for both personal and business use. I have been using Quickbooks to date.

In Tiller how can one create a General Ledger report (i.e. a transaction detail report by category / Account)? I see the Category Report Community Addon, but it seems to limit to a single category. Can one create a GL type report?

Surprisingly, searching in help and forums there is virtually nothing for “General Ledger”.

Thanks for your help

I’m not sure that it’s quite what you might be looking for but the category rollup report will show all categories within the entered time period. This can be found in the tiller community solutions under reports as well.

As far as a template that may display this information im not sure of one currently.

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Hi @bentyre1 thanks for the reply.

Yes that is closer to a GL but with two important missing aspects. Possibly there is a way for me to edit the report to include these???..

  1. The transactions dont show the “Account” field. This is important to understand both sides of the transaction, i.e. category and account. Related, additional fields such as Tag etc would also be useful to see for each transaction, so we could filter by those.

  2. The report does not extend to balance sheet Account with their transactions, eg the Bank Accounts with their transactions listed (and similarly to #1 above, hopefully showing the Category field for each transaction)

Taken together, the reports seem to only show information for the Income and Expense side of the transactions, and nothing for the “source” eg balance sheet Account side of the transactions, e.g the bank account used and the listing of all the bank account transactions.


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I think as you mentioned a GL implies double entry transaction. Tiller doesn’t inherently have auto linking of two transactions ie either cash and an an expense or equity and a deposit. So either you’re doing to need to manually tag/categorize it or use the AutoCat function and create extra columns to do it for you if you have very predictable data.
The transaction sheet does have the account listed ie col H or J labeled account.
But as you mentioned in your conclusion it doesn’t link each transaction to another but a transaction listing. You can probably work around it by adding additional “types” aside from income, expense, and something else.
But why are you switching from quickbooks? Usually in business cases people switch form quickbook to something more specific/custom vs the other way around.


Thanks for your reply and thoughts.

I actually think you are mistaken in what you say, in so far as Tiller DOES have both sides of all transactions shown on every transaction: One side is Category and the other is Account. In the case of Transfers, Transfer is basically the Category and Account is still Account.

Thus all we need is for the Category Rollup report to add the column for Account for each transaction it lists, just like it has the column for the transaction’s description etc. This would do much of it…

The next part would be a very similar report, but grouped by Account, and showing the Category of the transaction as a column. Taken together these two reports would in fact be a proper GL.

Best would be if the single report would group by Category for the 1st 1/2 of the report and then continue and group by Account (in each case with a column for the other side of the transaction (Quickbooks labels the other side as the “Split”)). However, running twice grouped by Category and then again grouped by Account would suffice,

Likely this could just be done in excel/sheets using the transaction list as the source data doing some type of pivot table detail report, but I dont know how to do that without lots of research…


I’m afraid that, as built, the Category Rollup report is not very extensible, @ccclapp. It is generated by the add-on.

Particularly with a known/finite list of categories, I think you might have better luck generating this type of reporting with a custom template using FILTER and VSTACK forumulas.