Getting Started, Can't Download Tiller Money

I am unable to download the program. It is not creating a file and I am unable to work on the sheets.

It isn’t a program, it’s either a Google Sheets template, or an Excel template. The Google Sheets template is recommended, which requires you have a Google account that you are signed in with so you can use Google Sheets to open the file. If you use the Excel template, you’d need to have Excel installed on your computer. Not sure if that template works with the online version of Excel.

I do have a google account and I must sign in each time I attempt to download. I cannot get past the 2e window that installs the sheets on my computer, or at least that is how it appears.

It sounds like there is a little bit of confusion on how to get started, @byronprange. I recommend you email and they can help you get your accounts setup.

@byronprange, did my tips on the webinar help?

Thanks Heather,
I am suspending my account until I can get our computer issues worked out. I am dead in the water until then. Looking forward to getting back…b