How to track investments in net worth without transaction clutter

I’m building out my Foundation sheet, and noticed that some of my brokerage transactions tend to clutter the environment, and make it hard to categorize (e.g. Vanguard shows every single transaction it makes as an account). Has anyone found a way to easily unwanted transactions from the sheet, while still keeping that account visible for net worth tracking?


Code them as transfers?


I set up conditional formatting so that those kind of transactions use a very light color for the font. I have light gray for investment transactions, light pink for Amazon (I reconcile those via CSV importer tool every couple of weeks) and light blue for transfers (like cc payments, etc). That way, when I look at my transactions sheet the black transactions are the ones I really see but the rest are there if I need them.


thanks for the awesome information.

If the transaction descriptions are always the same this is a great job for AutoCat.