Is Apple card still unsupported?

I just checked the community and cannot find anything current on the topic. I have an Apple card I want to add. I know you did not have the capability to autofill. Is that still the situation? If so, please link me to directions on how to add the charges individually so I can categorize them correctly. Thank you.

The Import CSV Line Items workflow in Tiller Community Solutions works great for this. To get the CSV file to import, open the Wallet app on your iPhone, tap on the Apple Card, tap on Card Balance, tap on the statement you want to import, tap on Export Transactions, and select Comma Separated Values (CSV). Then tap on the share icon (arrow-and-square thing) in the lower left corner of the screen and choose Save to Files. I like to save the CSV file to an iCloud Drive folder where my Mac can access it, but any way you choose to get it off your phone and onto your computer is fine.

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Are there community plugins that will look at the CSV import and then update the manual account balance?

Currently I’m doing 2 steps- CSV import my Apple card txns, and then updating the outstanding balance on the Apple card which I have as a manual account in Tiller. I imagine someone else already had this idea and did something with it.

The other thread on Apple Card has a couple of possibilities:

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