I have a lot of accounts and a few have been unable to connect for some time.
On in particular, M1 Finance, has been down for some time. The Institution Alerts page has it listed but the tentative ETA keeps getting pushed out. Is there a way to get updates on when it’s actually resolved, or more background info on the underlying issue?
Im not sure that more info or updates would be available but @jpfieber has created the 🏆 Institution Alerts Notification - Google Sheets that will keep up with your personal outages that may be helpful. This should at least save you the trouble of comparing the outage page each time.
I have had a similar experience with one of my financial accounts - it just seems to perpetually be struggling to give Yodlee the type of access it needs.
I doubt Yodlee is going to provide more detailed information - they are a massive corporation with thousands upon thousands of feeds and solutions they are providing to clients.
I was able to get more information on what could be underlying issues by reaching out to my institution’s tech support. They didn’t give me information that satisfied or resolved the feed issues but it did provide an avenue of information and gave me a small semblance of agency. Not sure how robust M1’s customer support is but reaching out to them with requests for info about why Yodlee is having problems connecting to your account may yield some information.
I had to have a little back and forth with my Credit Union - they kept insisting that it must be a Tiller issue and Tiller was emphatic that the issue was between Yodlee and the Union. I finally got the Union to admit that they had reached out to Yodlee and were trying to get them to change something about their workflow.
Basically, everyone sticks to automated responses as much as they can, presumes the customer is to lazy or intimated to dig into the weeds, and hopes that the problem resolves itself without having to dedicate to much (expensive) engineer time-on-task. It’s maddening.
Ugh, that is so frustrating. I made it clear in my correspondence that data interoperability is a decision point for where I choose to park my money. I was working with a credit union so my experience of addressing the issue may be different than a for-profit corporation. The issue hasn’t been completely resolved, but I eventually corresponded with the Chief Technology Office for the union about it so I at least felt my concerns were validated and they shared their long-term thinking on open banking, which I generally agreed with even if the roadmap is moving slower than I want.
I understand your frustration. I too have had issues with Yodlee and my credit union using a different tool but found out a solution that worked in my situation.
This may not even apply to your issue, however, but I have 3 accounts with my credit union. Yodlee was not connecting at all with a different financial tool. It turned out that one of the accounts (Savings in my situation) is identified as the parent account, and checking and a loan came under it. I didn’t realize that and was trying to connect to checking. Once I connected to the parent account (savings) everything worked fine. When I came over to Tiller that solution worked fine here too.
However, I would assume the CTO would have known and suggested this.