Organized Category Dropdown in Transactions Sheet


I’ve had a lot of trouble finding the category I want when adding new transactions, so I decided to find a way to organize the dropdown list to make it easier to navigate. I landed on arranging them by Group:


Sheet is available here: Tiller-Categories-Ext - Google Sheets

Copy the sheet Categories Ext to your Tiller Sheet.


  • Once the Category Ext sheet is populated, go to your Transactions sheet. Highlight the Category column, and open the Data-Data Validation menu.
  • Make sure the Apply to Column field applies to your Transactions-Category column
  • Make sure Criteria says Dropdown from Range
  • Type “categories_ext” into the Range box


The dropdown should now show an organized list of categories.


Is it ok for others to copy, use, and modify your workflow?


Thanks for this. So easy to do and useful. But - I had trouble using your named range “categories_ext” when creating the data validation. It kept telling me that the value I was entering from the drop down was invalid. I fixed it by not using the named range and just referencing the range that “categories ext” referenced directly. I also wanted to be able to exclude groups from the pulldown list. I modified the formula in B5 to look at F1:F3 (I only needed up to three exclusions) for group names I don’t want to see. Now is working exactly how I like! This is something I’ve needed for a long time.

Thanks for sharing! I also had issues using “categories_ext” as it gave me an error.

The following worked for me and I believe should work for others!

='Categories Ext'!$A$5:A

This is a great hack, @alan.heatherley, for a richer experience. Thank you for sharing.

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