Paypal Line Item Importer Not Recognizing .CSV File

After following the steps in the Import CSV Line Items for generating a Paypal .csv file report, when attempting to upload the .csv file, I get the following notification. Importer Error Message

Appreciate any suggestion as to how to resolve, thank you.

Good question, @rianandcourtney.

Right now our importer looks for exacting signatures in the column headers to recognize the import type. If the columns in the CSV don’t match our file-type rules exactly, the CSV is not recognized for import.

For the Paypal importer, the scripts expect this complete list of columns:

  • Date
  • Time
  • TimeZone
  • Name
  • Type
  • Status
  • Currency
  • Gross
  • Fee
  • Net
  • From Email Address
  • To Email Address
  • Transaction ID
  • Shipping Address
  • Address Status
  • Item Title
  • Item ID
  • Shipping and Handling Amount
  • Insurance Amount
  • Sales Tax
  • Option 1 Name
  • Option 1 Value
  • Option 2 Name
  • Option 2 Value
  • Reference Txn ID
  • Invoice Number
  • Custom Number
  • Quantity
  • Receipt ID
  • Balance
  • Address Line 1
  • Address Line 2/District/Neighborhood
  • Town/City
  • State/Province/Region/County/Territory/Prefecture/Republic
  • Zip/Postal Code
  • Country
  • Contact Phone Number
  • Subject
  • Note
  • Country Code
  • Balance Impact

This column matching is particularly susceptible to variances when using non-US versions of exports.

Hope this helps,

Thank you @randy,
I manually added the above column headers to the .csv file and the importer did indeed accept the file with those header additions, thank you.
However the amounts did not transfer to from the .csv file to the Transactions sheet.
What is the scripts column header that maps to the ‘Amount’ column header in the Transactions sheet?

On a quick peek at the importer rules, it looks like the Amount comes from the Net column in the CSV.

Good luck.

I had the same issue, and (1) changing PayPal’s “Amount” column to “Net” and (2) adding the missing columns – all from the above list from “Gross” onwards – also fixed the import issue. Seems like the PayPal format has changed drastically compared to what the importer expects.

I just created a new PayPal CSV Statements report and ran the import workflow. It worked for me with the existing import rules. I’m guessing either you’re getting your CSV from some other part of their site or your account is setup in a different locale (e.g. not the US) and the reporting is different.

Sounds like you have a workaround though… :wink:

Strange. I’m in the US.

I followed the Tiller instructions for the download as closely as possible. There was one difference. After going to Activtiy > Statements, I get a screen headlined “Download detailed statements” with 3 choices – Custom, Standard, and Tax docs. I choose Custom and then CSV format and go from there. I don’t see any other option for downloading reports.

Sounds like Paypal might have different versions of the download for different users?

Separately, I’m wondering why the Paypal importer creates a single consolidated offset, as opposed to individual offset transactions like with the Amazon import?

Update: I just imported my wife’s Paypal transactions, and the CSV format for her Paypal account was just what the Tiller importer expected, without needing any change. And the offsets were 1 per transactions, just like Amazon, as opposed to a single offset for the entire range of transactions (as it was for the Paypal import from my account).

So I’ve confirmed that different users do have different (1) Paypal CSV format downloads and (2) my format, even though I added the columns, caused the offset creation logic in the imported to behave differently – I’m guessing because I just added empty columns, without filling in the data.

I think this may be because my wife’s account is considered a business account while mine is a personal account – and the CSV download format for personal accounts is simpler with many fewer fields, and the amount field called “amount” not “net.”

(It’s not easy to tell if indeed my wife’s account is a business account – she may have sold something online years ago that converted it automatically. I’m asking on the Paypal forum to try to clarify.)

I think this has something to do with personal vs business accounts. Just my thoughts… I noticed the Connected Accounts had an error with my paypal account a few days ago… it appears there is now two paypal account options -1 for personal and 1 for business. Upon trying to get my paypal data with csv import from the business account (I was missing transactions since the original connected account errored out), the steps to export the data is different than the personal account. I am assuming the columns are also different as the business account csv does not import.

Who is responsible for correcting the issues such as this and adding the steps to import a paypal business account?


This is a comparison between the expected columns vs what is in the paypal business csv… you can see the columns are all there that the importer script is looking for, with additional columns sprinkled in.

Randy, can someone adjust the script or create another one specific for the paypal business accounts?

OK - I figured it out… in the reports area of PayPal, there is an option to customize your reports… select all the columns that Tiller is looking for and save… then run your PayPal report and Tiller csv import - should work. Testing now…

How did that work out, @al1?

If the change for a non-customized business export is as simple as removing the yellow fields, I can try to add that to the recognized file types later this week. A helpful test would be if you could add those (missing) column headers to a raw business export— just leave the rows empty below— and properly import a business account using the personal importer. If this works, the process of changing the rules is quite simple.

Further, if this works, could you share instructions for generating the report (similar to the other report types in the sidebar)— e.g. 1-4 bulleted instructions?
