So I messed up and deleted the spending trends dashboard. All data for the last 3 years is still good. I cand figure out how to add the sheet back in.
Hi Jason,
Here’s a link with instructions for adding the Spending Trends sheet back into your Tiller Foundation Template.
[Instructions for loading the Spending Trends sheet back in:]
P.S. You shouldn’t need to change links in Google Sheets, that is for Microsoft Excel version.
Thank you so much. I really thought all the time I spent was down the drain. I did it and it worked great.
Hi, I followed this advice, and installed a new ‘Spending Trends’ tab on my Sheet. However my issue is that when I change the dropdown , it doesn’t update the spending below. See screenshot.
I’m sure I had somehow messed with the formulas, so I was hoping by following the directions here and inserting a fresh new ‘Spending Trends’ tab that I would be able to get insights and data. But I’m not.
Any advice or guidance?
Thank you!
Hi @daniukid,
Did you happened to make changes to any of the columns or column headings in the transactions sheet?