Splitting transactions changes the transaction date

I noticed today that, when I split a transaction, it changes the transaction date to today’s date, whereas before the split lines of the transaction retained the original imported transaction date.

Anyone else seeing this? Is there an issue with my spreadsheet, or is this a programming error in the Tiller extension? If it’s my spreadsheet, can anyone provide a fix?


Yeah, doing the same for me and I never noticed that… Looks like it uses the date you perform the split. I would certainly prefer it use the actual transaction date.


Add me to the list who sees this and someone who is glad I caught this post before putting in my first split transactions (new user here). It is especially relevant since I am working on this as we rolled over from 9/30 to 10/1. I was actually splitting a transaction from the end of August and it had a date of 10/1 - clearly finances thrive on accuracy. Not much room for fuzziness, let alone straight-up wrong data. I anticipate this will be a bug that is corrected sooner than later. Hopefully…

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Thanks for the heads up. Tiller needs to fix this bug ASAP.

Anyone like the idea of them making it easy to spot transactions that are part of a split? Maybe append “-SPLIT” to the Description or Full Description field? Or appending -SPLIT to the Notes…

Still happening today.

I use column A to mark things that are split (“S”) or manually entered (“M”), but unfortunately, you have to mark it after you do the split because the split action deletes anything you put in column A (I submitted a feature request asking them to not do this). Alternatively, you can filter the Transaction ID column by the word “split” and it will show only the splits.

The Note column indicates split transactions.

Can you show us what you mean? When I use the split tool it doesn’t change anything in the Notes column.

Here’s a screenshot of a split I did recently. I’m a Google Sheets user.

Now, I should mention that a couple of weeks ago my add-ons were acting funky, hanging up, etc… so I went to Extensions > Add-ons > Manage Add-ons and deleted both my Tiller Community and Tiller Money Feeds add-ons, then reinstalled them (Extensions > Get Add-ons and searched for “Tiller”).

I’m not saying that is necessarily the fix for the issues mentioned in this thread, but… :thinking:

Just tested it: I do get the transaction Date issue mentioned, while I do still get the description of the split info in the Note field.

That’s wild. I’ve been using Tiller (and splitting transactions) in Google Sheets for 5 years now and I’ve never seen that splitting note.

Heather posted this on another thread yesterday:


Thanks for the feedback everyone. We’ve been workshopping a fix to the (Sheets-only) date issue and I just pushed it to prod. Should be live for you all shortly. Let us know if the problem is not resolved.


It worked for me: I split a 10/1/2024 transaction and it retained the 10/1/2024 transaction date. Thanks!


Thanks for the update, @brettanicus.

This has been fixed! Thanks yall