Starting over with new Foundation

So I have screwed up my base foundation template. I try to “change Source” when adding a new sheet like “Budget plan” and get an error of “Excel found a problem with one or more formula references”…
What is the best way to transfer data out of my jacked up one to a clean and fresh copy without jacking it up?

Sorry to hear about the workbook corruption.

If you start a new Foundation Template, all of your transactions will reimport… but you will lose information like Categorization and you’d need to port things like budgets and custom category lists.

How far into getting your workbook personalized are you? What data are you trying to migrate?

My Excel file has also become corrupted. It happened when my PC shut down. And apparently. somehow. the file, which is stored in the cloud and supposedly kept current., became corrupted. when I relaunched it Excel it repaired the file, but this messed things up.

So I have created a new foundation file, and I’m now. trying to figure out the best way to proceed. I still have access to. all of the tabs on my old file. So I’m wondering if I could simply cut and paste my transactions to the new file and perhaps do the same. with the categories… Will this work, or is there a better approach to take to move my data from the corrupted file to the new file?

Hi @wetmore55 Rich,

I’m sorry this happened to you. I know it is very frustrating. Yes, you can copy and paste the transactions and other tab data. The following are some basic steps:

  1. You will want to create the new foundation template from the Tiller HQ console.

  2. If you have added any columns to the Transaction or AutoCat tabs you will need to add the new columns first so data aligns up.

  3. Copy and paste the transactions but be sure to paste as “values” only!

  4. Categories are a special situation.

You can copy and paste the category, group, type and Hide columns without issue.

For the monthly budget amounts per category there are formulas in the month columns to replicate the January budget amount across the row. If you haven’t changed any amounts for a given month (except January) then you can copy and paste January and it should replicate across. Otherwise, if you have adjusted various monthly budget amounts after January, then you will want to copy and paste values only.

  1. AutoCat and Accounts tabs you can copy and paste the data.

  2. There is a hidden tab called Balance History that you will need to unhide and copy and paste the data.

  3. Add any Community Solutions last.

  4. Save your work

  5. Make a backup copy (separate from One Drive if you are using that).

  6. Verify your work.

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Thank you very much for your thorough and clear response to my issue. I have followed your instructions and they worked well. I ran into a couple of other odd glitches, but I think they were unique to my setup. And then I got distracted for a week and a half. And now have to turn back to it to remember what they were and where I left off. But fundamentally, your help did the job. Thank you very much for your response.

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