Statements template issue - lost all my bank statements


I’ve been using the Statements template for a couple of years now without issues. However, sometime this past week all my bank statement data disappeared. When this occurred, this invalidated all the pre-existing references in the “Statement” column (G) within the “Transaction” tab. Unfortunately, this now prevents the downloading of new transactions until the references are corrected. Is there any way to restore my old transactions? I’ve tried to re-install the template, but this didn’t correct the problem.

Any help would be appreciated.

Depending on how much other data you’ve added to Tiller since this broke, you might consider using File-Version History and reset back to when it was working properly for you. Make a copy of your sheet as it exists today just in case you decide keeping it and fixing this problem another way is the best option.

I don’t use the Statements template, so I don’t have a lot of other insight to offer as to what might have gone wrong.

First, thank you for responding so quickly!

Yesterday, I tried your suggestion. I went into the history and found a version with all the bank statements data intact. Unfortunately, I could not find an efficient way to perform a block copy of the data from a previous version to my current version. Consequently, I was forced to manually copy/paste the transactions individually. It only took about 30 minutes, but it was tedious! Once this was completed, all the invalid references in my “Transactions” tab went away. So, I thought that would have corrected the problem. But, when I tried to download transactions from my various accounts, it failed with the same error message (see below). So, I’m trying to troubleshoot that next. I can’t help but wonder if the transaction download process is using a cached copy of the spreadsheet and/or “Transaction” tab…

Thanks again for your help!

You are welcome.

What I was trying to suggest was get back to a working copy thru Version History and then use that copy as your new main file. It should download all your transactions from that date forward for you again.

Something got corrupted in your main file and it’s hard to trace it back sometimes. There is something in the copy/paste that is recreating the problem.

I hope this is helpful.

I definitely think you are correct about something getting corrupted in my sheet. Since the error seemed isolated to the “Statement” column in the “Transactions” tab of my sheet, I couldn’t resist troubleshooting the issue. However, to your point, I have definitely named a couple of versions in the event I made a mess of things, so I can easily restore to an acceptable version of the sheet.

So, long story short, I found a Data Validation Rule that I thought was the source of the problem. The rule referenced the ‘Tiller Temp’ tab. I could neither find nor understand the reference. Note, since all those corresponding cells were empty, there were no data validation error tick mark indications. I removed the rule.

Also, I would like to add that I have another spreadsheet, with the same add-on. When I reviewed the validation rules, there was none that referenced the ‘Tiller Temp’ tab. Just another data point that reinforced my decision to remove the rule in the corrupted file.

So, the good news, my transactions are now downloading properly. So, it appears that the issue has been corrected.

I’ll be monitoring things closely in the coming days/weeks. If it reoccurs, or new problems arise, I’ll rewind to one of my named versions, as you suggest.

Thank you for your assistance!

@workmanka Glad that’s resolved!

Me, too!

While I’m confident that resetting to a prior version of my spreadsheet would have likely worked, I truly wanted to avoid losing over 2 years of reconciled bank statements! Of course, restoring that data manually would have been an option, but that would have been time consuming and annoying! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks again!

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@workmanka that’s true and one has to be careful with restoration. I do believe there are options to save a version from document history also as a separate file, which can be handy as additional back up or reference file depending.