I am looking at the last 12 months of expenses in both the Tiller Spending Trends sheet and the Tiller Community sheet Category Tracker and seeing a discrepancy.
On the Insights sheet “Insights for:” is set to “Last 12 months” in the dropdown.
On the Category Tracker sheet “Start Date” is set to “=today()-365” and “End Date” set to “=TODAY()”
My Auto expense category is off by $671.98 between the 2 sheets. This is the amount of a single transaction on 5/30/2023 (and this is being examined on 5/19/2024). It seems that Spending Trends is not including this transaction but Insights is.
Does anyone know why this is? Is the Tiller Spending Trends sheet not categorizing by exact days but using months?
Perhaps it is using transactions by month from May 2024 back to June 2023 and therefore missing the 5/30/2023 transaction?
If that’s the case my trailing 12 months of expenses will often appear too low in Spending Trends since at the beginning of the month I’ll have very few transactions for that month but will be ignoring the transactions for that same month the year prior.