Total Spending by Account

I just peeked at the sheet, @brandonscottgardner, and the Account Filter solution uses a QUERY() to pull transactions by account in cell A5. If you were to put a start date in cell C3 and an end date in cell D3, you could change the formula in A5 to leverage a date range in the query:

=iferror(QUERY(Transactions!A:Z,"SELECT "&join(",",arrayformula(vlookup({"Date","Description","Category","Amount","Account"},J3:K30,2,false)))&" WHERE "&K8&" = '"&B3&"' AND "&K3&" >= date '"&TEXT($C$3,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"' and "&K3&" <= date '"&TEXT($D$3,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"' ORDER BY "&K3&" DESC"))

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