I currently have my 401k accounts linked up in Tiller and I noticed that only the employee/employer contributions show up in the Transactions tab. The balances are obviously additionally influenced by changes in the investments balances as well. Has anyone come up with a way to easily grab the unrealized gains/losses in the 401k account for tracking? I have my balances and net worth feed off of the transactions tab so anything that doesn’t flow through that tab gets missed. Any thoughts/advice would be appreciated.
For my 401k I hide the transactions since they’re meaningless. The balance I do get includes the full amount of my 401k. I’m using Alight, and I had to setup a special login.
I put it into a category called 401kTransactions and in the category sheet, I set that to hide. So it will be on the Transactions sheet, but it won’t show up on reports.
Well, Alight (like ADP and others) have several portal instances. So, my company has its benefits system through Alight. They do SSO into Alight (which solves nothing) and I also have a user and pass. But I believe the sub-portal I log in is not the same as the one the Tiller Alight AddAccount points to.
While using Mint, they said that alight users could add a CompanyID before the username. Well, I have my CompanyID, but that approach never worked, and Alight was not capable of providing my any further help.
This is my Alight login:
I do have a valid login. But Tiller can’t auth me on Alight somehow.
Some non-typical institutions are not supported by Yodlee, but, if it appears the institution is supported and it isn’t working, I’d recommend reaching out to our support team via the chat window in the lower right corner of the Console at https://my.tillerhq.com/, @maglovato.
I have the almost opposite issue I came here looking for a solution to. My 401k account used to import two transactions a week one for employee contribution and another for employer contribution. I really liked this as I was then able to easily see how my employee contributions looked in relation to spending as I could increase or decrease that as my available cash requirements changed. Recently though, it has started importing transactions for each fund the contribution is going in to ie(target date, small cap, large cap, etc) which is probably better in most cases but for me, I have lost the ability to easily differentiate between employee and employer contributions. Does any one know if there is a way to tell Tiller how to aggregate (or not) the transactions being imported?
This is a good question, @peckadj, but I don’t THINK there will be a way to change how that data is partitioned at the transaction level. We lean on our data aggregator, Yodlee, for the transaction data and they do not offer any options or customizations, particularly at the individual-user level.