Hello - I am new to Tiller and Google Sheets.
I have however managed to get the Saved Splits into my Google Sheet.
My problem is that in the Saved Splits sheet, when I go to pick a category, it just says loading.
Apparently I have done something wrong and I am hoping someone can help me fix it.
I do have the required columns in my Transactions sheet.
In my Transactions Sheet - Category Column is “D”. In Saved Splits Sheet - Category Column is “C”. Is this my problem?
After drawing the Transaction Splitter sidebar pane, the TMF add-on tries to load your categories from the Categories sheet. It sounds like this process isn’t working for you.
Here are a few things to look into and try:
If you go to the “Add Manual Transaction” pane in TMF, do your categories load into the dropdown?
Is your categories sheet called exactly “Categories”? (Pay attention to whitespace characters on either side.)
Is there a column in your Categories sheet called exactly “Category”? (Pay attention to whitespace characters on either side.)
Can you respond with a screenshot of the first few rows of your Categories and Saved Splits sheets?
The horizontal position of the columns shouldn’t matter too much so long as the header names are correct and in the first row.
Add Manual Transaction - Categories load into dropdown fine
Categories Sheet - Is exactly called Categories
Categories Sheet Column - Is Exactly Category
Oh interesting… I thought you meant it was “loading…” in our add-on.
What happens if you just rebuild the data validation? Can you clear the data validation in the Saved Splits sheet (Category column) and then recreate the reference in that sheet to column A in the Categories sheet.
I would love to do as you suggested, however I am new to google sheets and have no idea how to do it.
I deleted the sheet and tried again, but it still didn’t work. I must be doing something wrong regarding the instructions.
I think I figured out how to get the existing data validation. This is what is says
Sorry for the delay @randy. I have been working on getting my husband’s taxes done and finally finished and met the deadline on June 15.
Now for relaxing and learning google sheets, and all of the cool things that I can do with Tiller. Next years taxes are going to be a breeze!
Starting from scratch. I deleted my old saved splits sheet and then tried to follow the instructions (As they didn’t exactly match what I did) to add a new splits sheet again.
⦁ Beside Select a Spreadsheet - I Pasted In the URL of my Tiller sheet
⦁ At the top of the window and Pressed Enter
⦁ I Clicked on My Tiller Document
and then choose “Select”
⦁ I Chose Insert
So Assuming I Did the Getting the Saved Splits Sheet Right. Below is the Result in My Tiller Document
I didn’t add these rows, they were already there. I do have a paycheck Category, But I don’t have Social Security, State Tax, or Federal Tax Categories.
I THINK all that is happening is that we populated the template with some sample Saved Splits that you can delete. The error is because our sample sheet had different categories that don’t all match up with what is in your local sheet.
Have you tried wiping out the four sample transactions and see if the data validation works when you use categories from within your spreadsheet?
So I decided to try something, and I kind of cheated, but hey, in the end it worked.
My 1st Problem - I had never used google sheets, till I found Tiller.
My Tiller Problem - The category dropdown was not prepopulating with my categories. I was just getting a “Loading” message.
So I cheated and looked at the data validation for the category column in the transactions tab.
I changed the formula in My Saved Splits sheet from 201 to 186 - which is the total number of rows in My Categories sheet.